Thursday, August 31, 2006


you are what you love, not what loves you
from the film ADAPTATION

Is it you?
Could it be, really?
I stuck around for years
Just to see you one more time
I swear I heard your voice from afar -
I barked with disbelief
I thought ‘Could it be?’
I guess I wished it
This sweet relief
Even though I suspected
It would be the end of me
I could recognize your tread
from an even greater distance
Now I wag and
wonder how
my heart could endure
this instance
I can’t stand these fleas
the seize,
the bees,
the tease -
I see your silhouette on the shore
I hold on for a closer glimpse,
Eyes old
And eyes so sore,
Life abandons ailing limbs
It is you I behold,
Somehow, I muster one last cry -
My heart has just caved in
My time has come to ...


In "The Analytical Language of John Wilkins", Borges describes 'a certain Chinese Encyclopedia', the Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge
, in which animals are divided into:

those that belong to the Emperor,
embalmed ones,
those that are trained,
suckling pigs,
fabulous ones,
stray dogs,
those included in the present classification,
those that tremble as if they were mad,
innumerable ones,
those drawn with a very fine camelhair brush,
those that have just broken a flower vase,
those that from a long way off look like flies.

Jorge Luis Borges (RIP, August 24, 1899 - June 14, 1986)
It is complete now
Two ends of time are neatly tied
Concrete Blonde
Tomorrow Wendy

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